
Features of This Site
My Games
My Prose & Poetry
My Visual Art & Photos
My Music-Related Pages
My Resumé

My Favorite Web Sites
Links to Friend's Pages

Prose & Poetry

A Change Of Attitude (August, 2000)
An open letter to all describing the true nature of corporations and my change from traditional libertarianism to a more aware attitude.

Poem of the Day
A new poem every day from my collection of original poems. Spanning from 1994 to the present.

Work Term Reports (1997-1998)
Work term reports I wrote from my days at the Ontario Ministry of Transportation and Sybase Inc. One deals with Lotus Notes / Domino and the Web, and the other with Free (Open Source) Software.

Visual Art & Photos

Singularity of Conciousness (1999)
An example of web art. This was last updated in August, 1998. If you like this, also see The Overhead Dungeon Game in Games to Play

The Many Faces of Shandy Brown (1999-2000)
Pics of me. How many completely different faces can one head have? Only time will tell.

Pics of San Fran
Some photos I took on my trip to San Francisco in the spring of 1998.

Gimp To Sodipodi
Some scripts I wrote to convert raster images to vector images using the GIMP and Sodipodi.

The Music Pages

Animalistic Machines (June, 1999)
A site of information and media from and about Marilyn Manson's Mechanical Animals Album. In this site I'm trying to provide some context to the music and lyrics, as well as discuss the many messages scattered throughout the CD.

The Rusted Machine Web Site (1996)
Rusted Machine is a band which I am a member of. Formed approximately in 1993, the members loosely include Greg Fyke, Steven Fyke, John Geiger, Bryan Hurren, Gregg Wartman and myself. The Home Page is a work in progress and in constant need of revision. It has pretty much lain stagnant since 1996 (much like the band itself). Currently available on the site are a front page and a semi-complete discography.
You must have a frames- and JavaScript-capable browser to properly view the discography.

The History of Rusted Machine (1997)
This page lays out most of the history of Rusted Machine, from humble begginings to approximately the summer of 1994. Obviously it is quite unfinished, ending after the acquisition of a Steve Fyke as a drummer. Some of the language contained in the History may not be suitable for people who don't like vile gutter filth.

See also: Rusted Machine Interactive in Games to Play

Games to Play

Quote Game of the Day (1997)
Three obscure quotes each day. Guess correctly and win a month supply of colourless blue ideas.
You must have a JavaScript-capable browser to play.

Rusted Machine Interactive (1996)
A simple JavaScript & Image map game. Simply find all of the keys to Rock 'n' Roll Superstardom in the picture of Rusted Machine (circa Oct. 1995). There is an additional bonus game of electronic 'Higher-Chicken' seamlessly included in the RM Interactive game. Here's a tip: there is a key present on each member of the band.
You must have a frames- and JavaScript-capable browser to play.

Overhead Dungeon Game (1997)
A really cool experiment in JavaScript, the Overhead Dungeon Game is something I started in the summer of '97 as a way to burn away those lonely Toronto hours. It crashes some versions of Navigator, and I've never tested it on Explorer, so be careful. The object of the game is to find the key and exit the dungeon.
You must have a JavaScript-capable browser and a screen resolution of at least 800 by 600 to play.

My Favourite Web Sites

Links to Friend's Pages

High Bandwidth Main 
Quotes of the Day 
Poem of the Day 
Pictures of Me 
Rusted Machine Home 
Rusted Machine History 
Rusted Machine Interactive 
Overhead Dungeon

Who wants Anal Spaghetti?
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