Animalistic Machines

__________Content_ _and_ _Context__________
_______yellow_ _messages_______
________cdrom_ _goodies________
______fifteen_ references______

_____FFFF00_ _+_ _0000FF_ _=_ _00FF00______

i have found the following hidden yellow messages on the new album Mechanical Animals.
one is supposed to decode them by looking at them through the blue jewel case of the cd. perhaps this is a metaphor for how marilyn manson now sees the world -- through the coloured hollywood glass of his new spectacles.

Page 3:
this one was the hardest to find.
the 'sp' in speed of pain has 'gr' underneath so that it reads 'greed of pain'.

Page 6:
underneath 'a pill to make you numb', the address ''.
the website has an animated gif with the text 'a pill to make you numb', 'a pill to make you dumb', and a large image of the illustration on page 9 with the '3' beside it, the one of someone taking someone's pulse.

Page 9:
underneath the cartoon of a man washing his face, the text 'i no longer knew if comawhite was real or just a side effect'.

Page 11:
underneath the blue omega icons, the text 'a sun with no planets / burning in circles'
also on the white background, 'now children it's time for recess, please roll up your sleeves'

Page 12:
this was hard to get, i had to scan it and fiddle around with the colours on my computer.
underneath the blue 1's and 0's, the text
'in the end i became them and i led them / after all none of us really qualified as humans / we were hardworn automatic and as hollow as the 'o' in god / i reattached my emotions cellular and narcotic / from the top of hollywood it looked like space / millions of capsules and mechanical animals / a city filled with dead stars and a girl i called comawhite
this is my omega'.
if you have a cdrom drive, and start up the executable on the cd, marilyn manson's distorted voice dictates this message.

_____________Trick_ _Or_ _Treat____________

some multimedia candy found on the CD. I believe the other 3 files in the /Pictures directory are AVIs.

___a big pic of the Omega logo___________BigOmega.jpg

___a windows icon of the Omega


the number fifteen appears a significant number of times in this album. as to what it signifies, i'm not sure. we know from Antichrist Superstar that the rev (is that still an appropriate title for him?) has a thing for numbers. anyways, here's a listing of all the references to '15' that i have found in the album. some of them are a bit of a stretch, illustrating -- as the book 'The Bible Code' did -- that if you look for something hard enough, you will find it. perhaps even if it is not there.

CD Sleve:
in the name 'marilyn manson' a 1 replaces the 'i' in 'marilyn' and a 5 replaces the 's' in 'manson' Page 3:
'co51.24ahx' : '51' is '15' backwards.

Page 4:
the top graph, 'AGENTS', of the chart in the upper right corner has it's x axis marked by multiples of 15.
on the same graph, under 'DTC', the first entry is 15.
(fun fact: notice that on this graph, the patient's temperature was measured rectally)

Page 5:
'ma3x5./bk' : '3x5' can be read '3 times 5', and 3 times 5 equals... 15

Page 6:
in the lyrics of I Don't Like The Drugs, "...we're ready for our 15 minutes of shame."
Page 11:
in the close-up image of the syringe, the 'plunger' is between 10 and 20. not quite on 15, but close.

Page 13:
New Model No. 15 : the title itself, and the word 'new' appears 15 times in the printed lyrics. also, 'new' has 3 letters, 'model' has 5... 3*5=15. also, the number of lines, not including choruses, is 15

Page 14:
the big ass '15' near the edge of the page.

Other References:
if you count the music that plays when you run the executable on the cdrom, there are 15 tracks.
the letter 'o' as in Omega is the 15th letter in the alphabet. i have also heard that omega is the 15th letter in the greek alphabet.
in the Omega icon, the forehead has 15 little nubs.

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