Bad WebPage Alert:
This particular page is a prime example of poor webpage design. How so,
you ask? Let me enlighten you...
- Size -- How long did this take you to download? Be honest.
It's probably still downloading now, isn't it? This page is close to 220K
in size. I mean the background itself is 77K! That aint creamy, that's
- Graphics --
- Where to start? Lets start at the most obnoxious, you
should already know I'm talking about the background (unless it's still
downloading). I think MC Escher rolls over in his grave each time this
page is loaded.
- Then there's the animated .gifs. "Hey look what
I made! DukeNukems are shooting at each other!" over and over again.
Anybody not sick of these yet?
- Pointless graphics anyone? Perhaps you're wondering why
i made the "hey kids" and "who am I" images so big.
It's all an elaborate conspiracy (as seen on X-Files) to cause repetitive
stress injuries in the user from constantly scrolling up and down.
- Text -- those with small monitors and/or screen resolutions
won't notice it, but this looks like something brown that sounds like a
bell ("dung") on a wide screen. You'd think I'd have the sense
to put it in a table. And then there's the colour. Combined with the background
image, I have a ratio of 1 to 3 readable characters to non-.
- Looking for broken links? Just follow the Free Software
link in the table below.
- Backwards Compatability? In a perfect world maybe but
never on this site. I pity the poor bastard trying to surf this site with
Lynx. Do you think more than 10% of the 'net population meet these requirements:
"This and the following pages contain animated gifs, frames and JavaScript.
They are best viewed with Netscape 3.0 equivalent or better browsers sized
for wide images, with a screen resolution of around 1020 by 760 or higher.
Also, I use this font on some pages, if you'd like to see it, you must
d/l this file to your font directory: schrill_.ttf"
? I think not.
But enough of my ranting. You didn't come here to learn my
opinions about HTML style, You came to surf. So I'll let you get at it.
Enjoy... hope you like CRAP.

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